Review level 2 ( first exam)
By Debora Antonio.
1. Answer the questions:
A. What do you do?
B. Who works in an Office?
C. Who works in a hospital?
D. Where does your father work?
E. What does He do?
F. Where do you work?
G. How do you like it?
H. What´s your opinion about flight attendant´s job?
I. What foods do you like?
J. What do you have for breakfast?
K. Do you usually eat carrots for lunch?
L. What do you usually drink for breakfast?
M. What is something you never eat for dinner?
N. What sports are popular in your country?
O. Do you like sports?
P. What sports do you play or watch?
Q. What´s your favorite Sport?
R. Are you a good athlete?
S. What do you do in your free time?
T. Do you practice sports everyday?
U. When do you practice?
V. can you sing a song?
W. How often do you practice?
X. Can you play the piano?
Y. Can you fix cars?
2. Look at the words in bold and write C (countable) or U ( uncountable):
Example: ( U ) I need a piece of advice. Can you help me?
A. ( ) The people are arriving at Five o´clock.
B. ( ) The Northeast of Brazil needs more water.
C. ( ) Our work is very interesting.
D. ( ) The children are not at school today. They are on vacation.
E. ( ) life is good.
3. Write a paragraph using adverbs of frequency: (30 words)
4. Unscrumble the sentences:
a) Eat breakfast sometimes.
b) Have fish we usually.
c) Pasta I often eat.
5. Complete the sentences with some and any:
ü Can I have ________ coffee?
ü I bought you _______ flowers.
ü I didn´t _______ fruit.
ü There are _______ museums.
ü He told us _____ stories.
For you!
Some x any
ü Some é usado em frases interrogativas apenas quando se trata de oferta ou pedido ou quando se espera uma resposta afirmativa.
Ø Would you like some coffe?
ü Any é usado em frases afirmativas quando :
· Aparece após o IF.
Ø IF you have any question, ask me.
· Significa qualquer.
Ø Take any book you need.
· Existe palavra de sentido negativo na frase como seldom, never, rarely, without etc.
Ø He left without any Money.
Countable and uncountable nouns
Ø Substantivos contáveis.
· Em inglês , a maioria dos substantivos é contável:
Eles podem ser usados tanto no singular quanto no plural.
v Train- trains
v Girl-girls
v Dog-dogs
Ø Substantivos incontáveis.
· Alguns substantivos são incontáveis e só podem ser usados no singular:
· Substantivos incontáveis frequentemente indicam:
v Substâncias: food,water,iron
v Qualidades humanas: courage, cruelty, honesty
v Atividades: help, travel, work
v Ideias abstratas:beauty, freedom, life.
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